Customer Testimonials

This looks great!!! I’m so excited to be getting this websites cleaned up and user friendly. Great job.


Fantastic re-imaging of the [old brand] to [new brand].


Angela was great to work with. She’s was very attentive to our needs, was extremely cooperative and did a fantastic job. I don’t think we could have asked for a better person to assist us on this project.


Recently we were given the task by the Director to create an Intranet site for the employees of the [department] and we had a tight time frame for when it was to be accomplished. [User] took on the task of constructing the site, but had no prior experience using Dreamweaver. With the rest of the IT staff already stretched thin, he went to Angela for assistance. Angela happily lent her expertise to help [user] set-up the software and even provided a small tutorial. [User] dug right in and learned the program but had problems initiating a suggestion box. Angela stepped in and figured out how to design and then activate one. Later there were problems with Internet Explorer and again Angela was asked to assist. Not only was her technical knowledge of great help, but also her understanding of website design limitations. For example, she took the initiative to advise us against using a patented image of [character]. In the end, we met the deadline assigned to us, and the completed website was a hit with staff. Although the Human Resources team received the kudos, we know that if not for Angela, we would not have been successful. Please extend to her our sincere thanks.

Human Resources Office

She helped me a lot, and I am very thankful for that. Her door is always open for me and she is always willing to help. Her professional level is pretty impressive as well, so I can learn a lot from her.


The website is going quite well, Angela did a fantastic job! People have talked about how clean it is, and from there I think it’s just a matter of people (county employees, various agencies, and the public) looking for things in a different place, to be expected. So far yes, I have been able to make changes and get them uploaded successfully. Sometimes it takes a bit of studying to figure it out, but that’s ok. Thanks for all your help!
